2019 Student Art Awards
Outstanding Art History Major: Rada Kuznetsova
The Henry Stern Prize Paper in Art History: Michael Russo
The Nell Pomeroy O’Brien Award in Art History: Lou Rambeau
The Marilyn Brown Award for a Senior Honors Scholar in Art History: Sophia Buchanan
The Alberta “Rusty” Collier Memorial Award for 2D Art: Alexandra Kugler
The Alberta “Rusty” Collier Memorial Award for 3D Art: Harleigh Shaw
The Nell Pomeroy O’Brien Award in Studio Art: Abigail McDade
The Sandy Chism Award in Painting: Dominic Frost
The Class of 1914 Prize in Art: Erin "Squid" Dixon
Juanita Gonzales Prize in Ceramics: Jordan Tavan
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